Is Montessori Good or Bad? (3 Key Comparisons)

Is Montessori Good or Bad? 

Montessori is always one of the first alternatives parents explore while looking for preschools. Despite the fact that multiple studies have shown the favorable consequences of Montessori education for preschoolers, there are still critiques and uncertainties. While there is no black and white answer on whether this is good or bad for your child, there are several factors to consider while making the choice. 

Montessori as a whole, is a scientifically based method to education that emphasizes independence, freedom within boundaries, and a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social growth. It was created by Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator.

Montessori education is founded on the premise that all children are unique people with enormous potential who want to learn and be active. Therefore, the instructor must assist each student through the learning process using resources that correspond to his or her individual requirements and speed. It abides by the following principles, that makes the method an all round holistic approach to a young child’s education. 

Is Montessori good for my child? 

Montessori is appropriate for a broad spectrum of personalities, temperaments, and learning styles. Children who are used to waiting for adults to tell them what to do and who have trouble choosing activities or staying interested in them may have trouble making the switch to a Montessori classroom at first. However, they can often learn to trust themselves and improve their focus as they have good learning experiences and become more independent.

Kids who are too loud learn to use their « indoor voices, » and kids who are messy learn to put their things away in an organized way. Most of the time, parents and teachers work together at home and at school to help kids learn these new behaviors. One of Montessori’s strengths is that children with different personalities and ways of learning enjoy learning in a cooperative and respectful setting.

Parents who care a lot about academic excellence and high standards may find it hard to understand and support Montessori.

Even though we all want the best for our children, the Montessori method is different from the way most institutions think.

When is Montessori schooling appropriate? 

Montessori is appropriate for families with different ways of communicating and learning goals. However, families who are generally disorganized (come to school late, don’t always pick up their kids on time, and have trouble reading and responding to school correspondence on a regular basis) may find it hard to work in a such a free setting.

The curriculum is meticulously designed to give students the best learning chances. There is a place for everything, and in most cases, everything is in its place! Most kids who live in homes with a lot of chaos follow this structure and find it very comforting. However, the transfer from home to school and back home may be challenging.

Montessori schools have varying demands for parental participation. Consistently, research reveals a link between parental participation and total student accomplishment. Be aware of your school’s requirements and endeavor to be as engaged as possible.

If your experience spent visiting Montessori schools has convinced you that these basic, fundamental concepts are genuine, then it is likely to be an excellent match.

Some pros and cons: 

Want to determine whether Montessori education is the best fit for your child? Learn more about its basic pros and cons to understand more: 



Montessori education fosters a child’s natural desire to learn. In this style of classroom, students have the option to choose their lessons. This contributes to the growth of their own responsibility and initiative. 

Moreover, this enables the instructor to differentiate teaching methods. The instructor may provide a personalized education that is tailored to each student’s needs and abilities, as well as allow them to select their own courses. This often makes sure that all students are challenged and interested in their own learning, which gives them more motivation to do well and learn more.

Age-diverse groupings

Children of all ages are gathered together in a Montessori classroom. Because kids are able to interact with pupils of all ages, they naturally cooperate and learn from one another. Instead of being bound by the speed of the class or the age of their classmates, children may work at their own pace and pursue their own interests in a multi-age environment. 

This may help youngsters develop self-motivation and a sense of control over their education. This also encourages collaboration and a sense of community as children begin to learn emotions such as trust, freedom, and empathy. Regardless of their age, children learn to work together and encourage one another. As kids learn to value and understand the thoughts and feelings of others, they develop a sense of compassion and understanding.

Integrated curriculum with opportunities for social interaction 

Each educational level in a Montessori school exposes students to connected themes. This process helps kids get a better grasp of the ideas, show that they know them well, and gain confidence and skill as they continue to learn new things. This also ensures that everything that they learned is practically applicable to their lives, and are relatable to them when learning. 

Research shows that children have trouble understanding how others feel and why until they are about three years old. One of the best things about Montessori education is that it puts a lot of emphasis on building social skills. In contrast to traditional teaching, which focuses on academics, it focuses on social behavior, such as how children treat each other, their teachers, and everyone else.


Inconsistent Adaptation Of the method 

One complaint about Montessori schools is that not all of them follow Dr. Montessori’s teaching methods to the letter. Even though most schools use the core curriculum, many of them also change it to fit their own needs. Changes are often made to things like work hours, courses, extra activities, learning materials, grades, and assignments. 

This results in an extra step of deep research about a school and their adaptations of the method to understand whether they are authentic and if they align with you and your child’s values. 

Montessori may not be adaptable to children of all backgrounds  

Here’s the thing: the Montessori classroom has no curriculum. The kids are the commanders of their own ships, designing their own curriculum. This contradicts established mainstream educational norms, which currently have instructors teaching to the test. 

While this could be perfect for a lot of children whose backgrounds support independent and creative learning, it could be hard for children with lower decision-making skills or families with rigorous academic values to mix with the curriculum. 

This raises another objection to Montessori’s technique. In such schools, there are no tests or grades, and the only way to measure progress is through the teacher’s comments and observations. 

Montessori believed that assessments and grades did more damage than good. As a result, students who do badly on standardized examinations may have low self-esteem, anxiety, and an internal feeling of failure.

It is often a tough switch from Montessori to traditional classrooms 

Montessori school may be a great and helpful experience for children, but the transfer to a typical academic environment can be difficult since the two systems are extremely different. When children who went to a Montessori school go to a regular school, they may find it hard to adjust to the new rules and responsibilities.

In a classroom where the instructor controls the pace of learning rather than allowing students to explore and discover on their own, students may find it challenging to sit still and pay attention. Since Montessori education emphasizes working together and as a team instead of being competitive, students may also find it hard to deal with the focus on testing and competition.

In addition, Montessori classrooms often contain mixed-age groups, allowing children to learn from and alongside one another as opposed to being grouped by age. This might make it difficult for Montessori-educated children to adapt to age-segregated classes where they may be compared to their classmates and feel pressure to achieve at the same level.

Closing Thoughts

Today, with so many alternatives and approaches to raising your child the right way, making a choice can be difficult. Also, it’s hard to choose when you have to think about what your child likes at such a young age. SuzyApp helps you with just that—helping children to make their screen time healthier through the sequencing of applications, giving them the chance to learn something educational through a wide range of choices. 

SuzyApp allows you to understand what your child enjoys through e-learning, not only making screen time healthier but also making learning much more fun for your child. To learn more about SuzyApp, check out our website or download our app.

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