New: Reduce Screen Time For Kids 5 Tips For Modern Parents

               Reduce Screen Time For Kids: 5 Tips For Modern Parents

Keeping children away from screens is an enormous task for modern parents. However, media consumption is also advantageous. Smartphones and tablets are becoming indispensable learning tools for youngsters. According to Forbes and an Oxford Study, screen time in a ‘moderate’ amount can actually be healthy for kids. 

Even though there are many good things about the internet, it could also be very addictive and could hurt a child’s development. We at SuzyApp believe that the difference between good and bad screen time is greatly dependent on the quality of content consumed. The irresponsible use of media by children may result in negative attitudes, and we at SuzyApp are here to help you with the perfect solution.

SuzyApp, through its app sequencing technique (which places educational apps before recreational ones), makes screen time healthier for children by promoting e-learning and delayed gratification.

We, at SuzyApp, understand the importance of children playing outside or practicing their favorite skills in a safe space away from their devices. This is why we have collected 5 ways to reduce screen time for kids, or in several ways, make it a healthy use of screen time. 

Show Them The Healthy Uses 

The first principle to creating new habits for children is to redirect them to a better alternative instead of stopping a current practice altogether. In the future, the use of phones and technology will only increase. So, now is not the time for parents to complain about how mobile phone companies are always coming out with new models and features to keep kids busy. 

The objective here is to teach children that mobile phones are not only useful for playing games but also for communicating with their loved ones. Teach youngsters how to use the telephone to call family members or classmates to discuss schoolwork. Attend to your children when they use the telephone. A child’s growth may benefit tremendously from effective mobile phone use. Children may also do school-related research using their mobile devices, with parental supervision for their safety. To understand how screen time can help your child’s development, check out our previous article here. 

Screen Time Is Not A Pastime   

In some cases, parents give their children more time on their cell phones if they eat and do their homework on time. Instead, parents should show their kids how to use their phones for research and other educational purposes. It is also usual for parents to give their children cell phones to keep them occupied while they do additional tasks, and this might set a bad example for children. Make children aware that mobile phones may be an excellent learning tool, and are not something that must be used unnecessarily, for a long period of time. As parents, avoid giving your children devices as a mode of distraction.  

Connect With Your Children 

Even though the majority of parents are very busy, it is crucial to make time for connecting with children. By playing board games with your kid or involving her in activities with you, such as cooking or gardening, she will feel important and helpful. Consequently, she will cease using her smartphone as an escape from loneliness. You can also encourage your child to try things like simple science experiments, listening to music, reading, writing creatively, drawing, and painting.

Manage Their Screen Time 

The Internet should be used as a tool, and online media should be used to have fun or learn skills. Yet, when your teenager spends almost all of their awake time on the internet, they can’t think about or focus on anything else. How can a person do anything in the real world when their hands and minds are glued to screens and the Internet? As important as the internet is to our lives, many teens find it hard to find a balance between it and their other responsibilities and problems. Managing a teen’s screen time and encouraging them to do it independently is crucial for their health and future.

SuzyApp makes e-learning a big part of your child’s device use, which helps you manage how much time they spend in front of the screen. This makes their screen time healthier and allows parents to set time limits for the use of applications. It unlocks entertainment apps as a reward for practicing a new skill on an educational application of their choice, giving them the independence they deserve and cultivating an inbound love for learning. 

Help Them Find Friends Outdoors

Finding a group of neighborhood friends will not only help your child push themselves outdoors on their own, but will also help them create a lifelong circle of childhood buddies and memories. Additionally, you can also participate in outdoor games after work with your kids to bond with them. Children will like watching you participate in exciting activities and games, and they will also value the opportunity to meet new peers. 

Some youngsters are more introverted than others and may have difficulty establishing friends. Also, if your child is used to a lonely, sedentary lifestyle, he may find it difficult to participate in outdoor activities with other children. Through small activities, you can expose your child to other children in the neighborhood. To do this, you could plan a treasure hunt in the backyard and invite all the kids to take part. In addition, organize play dates, picnics, etc. Your child will be more likely to be active every day if he or she has new friends to play with.

Closing Thoughts 

It is essential to understand that your children are in their developmental stage, and there must be a fine balance between giving them freedom of choice and setting boundaries. A strong strategy to help them make the right choices is providing them with possible explanations and better alternatives, and the same applies when working with screen time.

 Helping them find a circle of outdoor buddies to play with, playing with them yourself, and engaging in physical classes and activities outside school are some of the methods to show them alternatives. To set boundaries, as a parent, you must help your child manage their screen time and make it healthier by redirecting them to e-learning, setting time limits, and securing them from the internet.

SuzyApp helps you achieve this through several scientific, psychological, and philosophical approaches, targeting all three aspects of making screen time healthier. To learn more about us, check out our website. 

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